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Woodpeckers (Year 1/2) - Mrs Fallows

Mrs Fallows

Welcome to a new half-term. I hope you all had a happy and restful Christmas and New Year.


Please make sure PE kits are in school all week.  PE sessions are on Tuesdays and Fridays this term.

Reading-  please hear your child read every day. Sign their reading record book so you can share their progress with me.

Times Table Rockstars (y2) -The Times Tables Rockstar app is a fun way for your child to learn and remember their times tables. Please support your child to learn their tables by practising for 5 minutes each day. 

Homework - please practise reading, spellings and Times Tables with your child.  Complete one activity a week  for homework. Please bring the home work book on Wednesday so I can see the wonderful work you have been doing.

Below is a short insight into some of the things we will be learning this half -term.

In English, we will  develop our writing skills through our class book The Dragon Machine. We will be working towards writing  a story based upon the  text.

In Maths, we will learn addition and subtraction, including adding and subtracting across a ten. This will be followed by multiplication and division.

In Religious Education,  the children will be learning about Galilee to Jerusalem. This will focus on when Jesus first visited the Temple as a baby and how he returned as a young boy years later.

In Science, the children will be finding out about animals and the different habitats they live in.

In History,  the history of Macclesfield including the silk industry.

In Geography, the children will learn geographical skills by investigating the the local area in which they live. 

In Physical Education, the children will learn the skills of gymnastics.

Please find below our half- term curriculum plan and our homework for the half term.

Thank you, 

Mrs Fallows