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Owls (Y3/4) - Miss Bailey and Mrs Boyle

Class Teacher - Miss Bailey

Teaching assistant - Mrs Boyle


Blue John (Little Gems)

Welcome back to school!

I can't believe we are in our final half-term already, this school year is flying by. This half-term we have some exciting learning coming up. 


In English, we are reading 'Blue John' by Berlie Doherty. Blue John is a magical story set in one of the Castleton Caverns in the Peak District. The Queen of Darkness makes a beautiful child from ice and fire, and says he must never leave her cave under Mam Tor. But

In Maths, we are learning about adding and subtracting decimals. We will then explore shape including angles. 

In Geography, we are exploring rainforests including biomes, key features of the Amazon rainforest, describing the four layers of tropical rainforests and giving examples of how humans are having a negative impact on the Amazon and action that can be taken to help.

In Science, Y3/4 will learn about identifying and growing plants. They will revise the names of the main parts of a plant (root, stem/trunk, leaf and flower), learning their functions and how these relate to their appearance and structure in more detail than KS1.

They will learn about the absorption and transport of water and nutrients and the role of the leaf in making food for the plant (knowledge of the process of photosynthesis is not required at this stage). They will also learn about the parts of the flower, their roles in plant reproduction and the stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant, building on observations of growth of seeds and bulbs in

In Music, we are learning all about Samba. 

In RE, we are learning that Catholics devote the whole month of May to celebrating and honouring Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary is even sometimes known as the 'Queen of May'. There is even a 'May Crowning', where an image or statue of Mary is crowned, sometimes with flowers. We are also learning about reconciliation and building bridges in the Christian community.

Please make sure PE kits are in school all week. 

Homework is given out on a Thursday. Please make sure your child completes this and returns it to school the following Wednesday.  Please support your child to learn their times tables-Timetables Rock Stars is a fantastic and fun way to promote their learning. 

Reading-please hear your child read every day. Sign their reading record book so you can share their progress with me.

If you have any questions, please just ask, email or message me on Class Dojo.

Thank you, Miss Bailey - Y4/5 Class Teacher. 

Our class email (and Class Dojo) is checked daily if you need anything at all...