Owls (Y3/4) - Miss Bailey and Mrs Boyle
Class Teacher - Miss Bailey
Teaching assistant - Mrs Boyle
Welcome to Spring 1!
In English, we will develop our writing skills through our class book 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura. Our writing outcome will be to write a story set in the Stone Age applying Gateway and Mastery keys taught throughout the unit.
In Maths, our focus will be Multiplication and Division. We will be building and using arrays to write calculations. We will be deepening our understanding of experienced division as both grouping and sharing. We will also be revisiting our 2, 5 and 10 timetables, as well as broadening our knowledge up to the 12 times-tables.
In Geography, we will be working to answer the question - How has the landscape and land use of the UK changed over time?
In History, we will be continuing to answer the question - How did Britain change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?
In Science, we will be exploring the Classification of Plants and Animals. We will learn to recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways. We will also explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in our local and wider environment.
In RE, our topic is 'Galilee to Jerusalem' - we will be exploring who the Magi (Three Kings/Wise Men) were. We will be learning about Jesus' life and miracles including to whom he promised the Kingdom of God. Lastly, we will be analysing and exploring the 'Our Father', as well as deepening our understanding of the language used in the prayer.
Please make sure PE kits are in school all week. PE sessions are on a Wednesday and swimming will be on a Friday afternoon.
Reading-please hear your child read every day. Sign their reading record book so you can share their progress with me and ensure they receive reading Dojos.
Times Table Rockstars -The Times Tables Rockstar app is a fun way for your child to learn and remember their times tables. Please support your child to learn their tables by practising for 5 minutes each day.
Homework - please practise reading, spellings and Times Tables with your child.
If you have any questions, please just ask, email or message me on Class Dojo.
Thank you, Miss Bailey - Y3/4 Class Teacher.
Our class email (and Class Dojo) is checked daily if you need anything at all... owls@christtheking.cheshire.sch.uk