Robins (Reception) - Miss Kalnins and Miss Newsome
Welcome to Our Wonderful Reception Class - The Robins
What a busy and fabulous first half-term we all had! We hope you have enjoyed hearing all about what fun we have had in class and seeing all the photos on Class Dojo.
Our next topic is 'Minibeasts' for Autumn 2. This topic is based around the story "I'm going to eat this ant!" We will also be focusing on 'Prophecy and Promise' for our religious education lessons, which is all to do with Advent.
In English, we will be reading 'I'm going to eat this ant!'. We will be going on minibeast hunts, learning lots of new and interesting vocabulary. We will be finishing off the last of our set 1 sounds and we will use these to spell simple words and make meanings to our drawings.
In Drawing Club, we will be reading Superworm, the Snail and the Whale, The Hungry Caterpillar and many more books. We will be drawing characters, settings and using lots of joy and imagination to come up with our own fantastic illustrations!
In Maths, we are focusing on counting, comparison, composition of 3, 4 and 5 and shapes with 4 sides.
Our new topic in R.E is all about 'Prophecy and Promise'. We will be talking all about Advent along with making our own Advent wreaths and a class Advent countdown calendar. We will be learning 'The Hail Mary', setting up our own Nativity scene, making crib animals, bell-shaped biscuits and we will be making (and bringing home) many traditional Christmas decorations to hang on the tree! We can't wait!
In our 'Understanding the World' lessons we will be learning about Bonfire night and the changing seasons. We will be learning and observing a range of minibeasts, learning about their lifecycles, their homes and habitats.
We will also be learning about Remembrance Sunday and Christmas around the world.
In Expressive arts, we will be doing many activities such as role play and music and movement. We will be practising our school Nativity ready to perform to you all in December!
We will be making and creating many beautiful things to show you.
Please make sure you are all checking Class Dojo when you can. I will upload photos every week to let you know what we have been up to.
If you have any questions please just ask, email or message me on Class Dojo.
Let's have a great term together.
Miss Kalnins and Miss Newsome
Phonics is taught every day and children are regularly assessed and re-grouped according to their sound knowledge, accuracy and fluency in reading.
Our reception children will be learning the rest of set 1 sounds and focusing on blending words.
Once your child can blend words independently, they will receive a 'blending book' to read at home every day. Once your child can read simple sentences, they will bring home a reading book which should be read at home at least 3 times a week. This will ensure your child gains more confidence and becomes more fluent in their reading.
P.E is on Tuesdays - We have a full morning slot!
Please ensure your child has a full P.E kit in school. They will need a black pair of shorts, plain black joggers or leggings, a plain white t-shirt and pumps/trainers. All items will need their name clearly written on them. This is extremely helpful when the children are dressing and undressing for P.E.